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Kritische Pädagogik
Ein gegenhegemoniales Projekt in den Erziehungswissenschaften
Academia,  2024, 375 Pages
ISBN 978-3-98572-163-4
Published July 2024 (available for reservation)
89,00 € incl. VAT

englischEducation has the potential to broaden and deepen democratic achievements to create a more equal society, but it can also lead to its indoctrination and enslavement. In today's world, an authoritarian capitalism has emerged, which I call neoliberal fascism. The capitalist system no longer [...]

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Müller | Obier
Bewegtes Lernen Klasse 1
Didaktisch-methodische Anregungen für die Fächer Mathematik, Deutsch und Sachunterricht
Academia,  4. vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage, 2024, ca. 237 Pages
ISBN 978-3-98572-176-4
Published July 2024 (available for reservation)
approx. 29,00 € incl. VAT

englischSchools should provide an environment for learning with all senses, including the sense of movement. The methodical material provides specific examples for learning in motion in primary schools in the subjects German, mathematics and general studies with the aims:

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Müller | Obier
Bewegtes Lernen Klasse 2
Didaktisch-methodische Anregungen für die Fächer Mathematik, Deutsch und Sachunterricht
Academia,  4. vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage, 2024, ca. 240 Pages
ISBN 978-3-98572-178-8
Published July 2024 (available for reservation)
approx. 29,00 € incl. VAT

englischSchools should provide an environment for learning with all senses, including the sense of movement. The methodical material provides specific examples for learning in motion in primary schools in the subjects German, mathematics and general studies with the aims:

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Baumgärtner | Kreinbucher-Bekerle | Ruin | Sandbichler
Ist der Körper (noch) derselbe?
Ein sportpädagogischer Ankerpunkt in dynamischem Wandel
Academia,  2024, 216 Pages
ISBN 978-3-98572-109-2
54,00 € incl. VAT

englischProgressing social transformation goes hand in hand with considerable changes, e.g. in the relationships between humans, nature and technology, in social relations as well as in the relationship to (one's own) body. The publication focuses on traditional constants and new meanings of the [...]

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Baumgärtner | Kreinbucher-Bekerle | Ruin | Sandbichler
Ist der Körper (noch) derselbe?
Ein sportpädagogischer Ankerpunkt in dynamischem Wandel
Academia,  2024, 216 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-98572-110-8
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0,00 € free of charge

englischProgressing social transformation goes hand in hand with considerable changes, e.g. in the relationships between humans, nature and technology, in social relations as well as in the relationship to (one's own) body. The publication focuses on traditional constants and new meanings of the [...]

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