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Critica dell'apparente e critica apparente
Simplicio interprete di Parmenide nel commentario al de caelo di Aristotele
Academia,  2017, 276 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-726-8
29,50 € incl. VAT

englisch'Nell'opera di Simplicio l'esegesi non può essere separata dalla filosofia neoplatonica presa nel suo senso più ampio: ciò che egli ci propone non è soltanto una interpretazione complessiva del reale a partire da premesse platonico-aristoteliche, ma anche una Weltanschauung che è, o ritiene [...]

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Selected Papers on Greek Thought
Academia,  2017, 348 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-722-0
48,00 € incl. VAT

englischThis volume comprises twenty-six pieces, both in Spanish and in English, written by the Chilean-American scholar and philosopher Alfonso Gómez-Lobo (1940-2011). The papers contained in this book show some of his scholarly and philosophical interests, which spanned a wide range of topics, [...]

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La séparation dans la métaphysique de Platon
Enquête systématique sur le rapport de distinction entre les Formes et les particuliers dans les dialogues
Academia,  2017, 310 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-715-2
49,50 € incl. VAT

englischThe purpose of this book is to examine how Plato distinguishes the sensible from the intelligible in the dialogues. In this perspective, the main elements of the hypothesis of Forms will be analyzed in the context of an aporetic reading of the dialogues. While it is true that a separation [...]

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Olimpiodoro d'Alessandria
Tutti i Commentari a Platone
Academia,  2017, 468 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-684-1
49,00 € incl. VAT

englischOlympiodorus was the last pagan intellectual to hold between 527 and 567 the philosophy chair at the University of Alexandria in Egypt, an institution that in the age of Justinian represented the most prestigious cultural center of the Empire. He was probably the last philosopher to teach [...]

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Olimpiodoro d'Alessandria
Tutti i Commentari a Platone
Academia,  2017, 580 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-685-8
59,00 € incl. VAT

englischOlympiodorus was the last pagan intellectual to hold between 527 and 567 the philosophy chair at the University of Alexandria in Egypt, an institution that in the age of Justinian represented the most prestigious cultural center of the Empire. He was probably the last philosopher to teach [...]

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Brisson | Renaut
Erotique et politique chez Platon
Erôs, genre et sexualité dans la cité platonicienne
Academia,  2017, 276 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-725-1
29,50 € incl. VAT

englischPlato's theory of erôs is, along with the theory of intelligible forms, one of the cornerstones of the philosophy of dialogues. Recent studies on gender and sexuality in Antiquity have shed a new light on specific elements of Platonic erôs, and this volume aims at deepening our understanding [...]

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Humphries | Schweidler
Wittgenstein, Philosopher of Cultures
Academia,  2017, 148 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-716-9
24,80 € incl. VAT

englischWell over half a century after his death, Ludwig Wittgenstein remains controversial throughout the philosophical world. Yet the fact that this is primarily on account of his approaches to topics pertaining to logic, language and the philosophy of mathematics has obscured the extent to which [...]

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Starker religiöser Realismus
Academia,  2017, 120 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-717-6
24,80 € incl. VAT

englischA critical contribution to the current intercultural religious discourse, this paper is not about 'religion' but 'religiosity'. This differentiation refers to Georg Simmel's assumption that it is not religion which creates religiosity but religiosity which creates religion. The paper's [...]

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Cardullo | Coniglione
Reason and No-reason from Ancient Philosophy to Neurosciences
Old Parameters, New Perspectives
Academia,  2017, 242 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-713-8
28,80 € incl. VAT

englischThe reason/no-reason conceptual pair (also declinable in the similar forms of rational/a-rational, logical/a-logical) pervades the history of Western thought from the archaic era up to contemporary times. Perceived in different historical periods and in different cultural forms either as a [...]

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Lambert | Morscher
Free Logics
Academia,  2017, 186 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-714-5
19,80 € incl. VAT

Bei all ihrem formal-technischen Glanz litt die moderne Logik immer schon an einem gewissen 'Mangel an logischer Reinheit' (Bertrand Russell). Dieser Mangel bestand darin, dass in die logischen Gesetze unhinterfragt ontologische Voraussetzungen in Form von Existenzannahmen Eingang gefunden hatten. [...]

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