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Vernunft erleben!
Integrativer Humanismus als Grundlage einer bewussten Lebenskultur
Academia,  2019, 243 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-89665-785-5
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28,00 € incl. VAT

englischIn times of general uncertainty people seek orientation for a humane life. This text offers important impulses for self-orientation, founded on an ‚inclusive conception of man‘, which balances logos and spirituality. From this wholesome view on life an awareness may grow which gives access [...]

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Gelebte Reflexion
Schriften zur Reflexions-Systemtheorie
Academia,  2019, 246 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-787-9
42,00 € incl. VAT

englischThis volume collects a variety of hitherto dispersed essays concerning the author’s Reflection System Theorie, bridging a vexatious gap between action-theory and social-system theory by the principle of interpersonal reflection and its levels. This approach provides a striking solution to [...]

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Cornelli | Robinson | Bravo
Plato's Phaedo
Selected Papers from the Eleventh Symposium Platonicum
Academia,  2018, 407 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-89665-746-6
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69,00 € incl. VAT

The enclosed Proceedings are a selection, by 41 of the Society's scholars, of the papers presented at the Eleventh Symposium Platonicum of the International Plato Society, held in Brasilia, Brazil, under the auspices of the University of Brasilia. The volume covers all major issues related to the [...]

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Vernunft erleben!
Integrativer Humanismus als Grundlage einer bewussten Lebenskultur
Academia,  2018, 243 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-784-8
28,00 € incl. VAT

englischIn times of general uncertainty people seek orientation for a humane life. This text offers important impulses for self-orientation, founded on an ‚inclusive conception of man‘, which balances logos and spirituality. From this wholesome view on life an awareness may grow which gives access [...]

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Ancient Greek Psychology
And the Modern Mind-Body Debate
Academia,  2. Edition 2018, 184 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-759-6
32,50 € incl. VAT

englischThe mind-body problem is central to the modern philosophical and cultural debate because we cannot understand what man is until we understand what consciousness is and how it interacts with the body. Although many suggestions have been offered, no convincing account has as yet appeared. [...]

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Cornelli | Robinson | Bravo
Plato's Phaedo
Selected Papers from the Eleventh Symposium Platonicum
Academia,  2019, 407 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-702-2
69,00 € incl. VAT

The enclosed Proceedings are a selection, by 41 of the Society's scholars, of the papers presented at the Eleventh Symposium Platonicum of the International Plato Society, held in Brasilia, Brazil, under the auspices of the University of Brasilia. The volume covers all major issues related to the [...]

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Vom selbstbestimmten Umgang mit den Medien
Academia,  2019, 181 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-753-4
22,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe basis of political life in modern media societies is the ability to shape and use one's own public personality in a self-determined manner.

Modern democracies are media democracies. In the media-public is the possibility to evaluate and criticize politics effectively. The skillful use [...]

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Zucca | Medda
The Soul/Body Problem in Plato and Aristotle
Academia,  2019, 216 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-750-3
36,00 € incl. VAT

This book concerns the soul/body problem in Plato and Aristotle. Established as well as early career scholars actually working on Plato and Aristotle explore - under different points of view as well as through original readings and interpretations - the manifold dimensions involved in the conception [...]

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Künne | Pisa
"weil ich den kirchlichen sowohl als weltlichen Behörden mißfiel"
Bernard Bolzano auf dem Index
Academia,  2018, 198 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-89665-748-0
E-Book download
20,50 € incl. VAT

Die Tatsache, dass etliche Werke Bolzanos den Zensoren in Wien und Rom ein Dorn im Auge waren, ist seit langem bekannt. Im vorliegenden Buch wird sie nun aber zum ersten Mal gründlich untersucht. Dabei werden nicht bloß die Hintergründe durchleuchtet, die zur Verurteilung von Bolzanos Werken [...]

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Cerri et al.
Dall'universo-blocco all'atomo nella scuola di Elea: Parmenide, Zenone, Leucippo
A cura di Massimo Pulpito e Sofia Ranzato
Academia,  2018, 254 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-89665-744-2
E-Book download
36,80 € incl. VAT

englischFor a long time, Parmenides was considered the first true metaphysician in history, a theorist of a disembodied being inaccessible to scientific knowledge of the world. Giovanni Cerri, in his Eleatic Lectures, returns to his well-known interpretation of the Eleate as a scientist fully aware [...]

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