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Parmenides. Lehrgedicht

Reprint of the first edition from 1897. Mit einem neuen Vorwort von Walter Burkert und einer revidierten Bibliographie von Daniela de Cecco
Academia,  2. Edition 2003, 176 Pages

ISBN 978-3-89665-217-1

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The work is part of the series International Pre-Platonic Studies (Volume 3)
29,50 € incl. VAT
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englischParmenides may be called the founding father of western philosophy. His poem on the unshaken heart of well-rounded-truth and the opinions of mortals contains such astonishing depth of thought that Plato, choosing Homeric epithets, called him reverend and awful (Theaetetus, 183e).
Hermann Diels (1848-1922) produced the first critical edition of the poem. His edition, though a landmark of scholarship, has long been out of print. Walter Burkert has written a new preface for this reprint; and Diels' bibliography has been modernized by Daniela de Cecco.