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Dedenbach-Salazar Sáenz

Translating Wor(l)ds

Christianity Across Cultural Boundaries
Academia,  2019, 333 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-89665-795-4

69,00 € incl. VAT
69,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThis book addresses the translation of culture in the context of religion. The contributions, which analyse texts in literary, ethnohistorical and/or linguistic terms, show how different cultural traditions and languages are communicated across boundaries. They include studies of the missionary context of the Early Middle Ages and of colonially dominated cultures in Latin America, India, China, Africa and Australia, from the 16th to the early 20th century; and they analyse literary works with respect to how they transmit and translate culture: one a Christian play in the context of Islam, the other one a novel of the Haitian diaspora in the USA; another contribution presents the challenges of how the concept of religion itself is conveyed in contemporary scholarly contexts. By using different methodological tools, the authors show the manifold and innovative ways in which this field of the translation of culture can be approached.

With contributions by

Gwilym Colenso, Fiona Darroch, Sabine Dedenbach-Salazar Sáenz, Pär Eliasson, Sarah Irving, Alison Jasper, David Moore, Brian Murdoch, Richard H. Roberts, Frauke Sachse, Roxana Sarion.

»I found the book captivating and stimulating, with any amount of interesting information and suggestions for further reflection, in my case on the options for inculturation, among others: For missionaries, the study of the local language is a sine qua non.«
Christian Tauchner, VERBUM SVD 2019, 419

»Los temas y enfoques compilados en estevolumen muestran, en su armónica diversidad, la impor‐tancia de un abordaje desde diferentes marcos epistemo‐lógicos (la lingüística, la antropología cultural, la histo‐ria, los estudios de traducción, la misionología, la teolo‐gía, entre otros) a fin de lograr una mejor comprensiónacerca de este multifacético objeto de estudio como esel de la transmisión de los conceptos cristianos a travésde las lenguas, las culturas y los tiempos.«
Alejandra Regúnaga, [...]
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