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Mythische Räume der Gesetzlosigkeit in Erzählungen über Robin Hood, Klaus Störtebeker und Jesse James
Von der Typologie des Helden zur Topologie der Gesellschaft
Ergon,  2020, 459 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-95650-607-9
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englischThis book attends to three outlaw heroes from England, Germany, and North America. Robin Hood, Klaus Stoertebeker, and Jesse James still fascinate people today. The myth of the outlaw expresses social discourses about law and justice, government and resistance, and sovereignty and [...]

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Zum Verhältnis von Pädagogik und Politik bei Schleiermacher
Ergon,  2020, 308 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-95650-728-1
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64,00 € incl. VAT

englischIt was clear to Schleiermacher that, long before each modern democratic state, whose self-understanding is based on their citizens being able to participate in them politically, is able to develop, the provision of democratic institutions alone is not enough. Historically, the development of [...]

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Mythische Räume der Gesetzlosigkeit in Erzählungen über Robin Hood, Klaus Störtebeker und Jesse James
Von der Typologie des Helden zur Topologie der Gesellschaft
Ergon,  2020, 459 Pages
ISBN 978-3-95650-606-2
74,00 € incl. VAT

englischThis book attends to three outlaw heroes from England, Germany, and North America. Robin Hood, Klaus Stoertebeker, and Jesse James still fascinate people today. The myth of the outlaw expresses social discourses about law and justice, government and resistance, and sovereignty and [...]

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Der Rinderhandel im Hochstift Bamberg in der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts
Struktur, Entwicklung und die Aushandlung der normativen Rahmenbedingungen zwischen Obrigkeit und Marktakteuren
Ergon,  2020, 696 Pages
ISBN 978-3-95650-650-5
89,00 € incl. VAT

englischFor the first time the study analyses comprehensively early modern cattle trade and points out the connection between economy and rule. The transfers provoked by environmental differences and seasonal cycles of usage were transacted particularly by jewish traders. Periodically lean oxes from [...]

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Selbstbestimmt in Gottes Willen
Eine ethische Fundamentalreflexion nach Edmund Husserl
Ergon,  2020, 285 Pages
ISBN 978-3-95650-642-0
58,00 € incl. VAT

englischDrawing from Edmund Husserl´s ethical reflections the study thematizes a phenomenologically deepened understanding of moral autonomy and allows a critique of arbitrary autonomy. The best possible life of reason and the categorical imperative not only requires a cultivated heart but it is [...]

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Der Strafrechtsordinarius Friedrich Oetker
Ein Beitrag zur Aufarbeitung der nationalsozialistischen Zeit der Würzburger Universitätsgeschichte
Ergon,  2020, 335 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-95650-645-1
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69,00 € incl. VAT

englischMore than 70 years after the end of the National Socialist dictatorship, research into this darkest chapter in German history in the field of law has so far hardly been carried out. This is surprising in view of the historical awareness that can otherwise be observed especially with regard [...]

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Rationalisierung und säkulare Gesellschaft
Beiträge zur Religionssoziologie
Ergon,  2020, 249 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-95650-708-3
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48,00 € incl. VAT

englischThis collection of articles and lectures discusses the contributions of some of the most outstanding figures in the field of research on religion, like Durkheim, Weber, Geertz and Bourdieu. A second focus is on the heated debates on religion as a concept, modernization, secularization and [...]

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Selbstbestimmt in Gottes Willen
Eine ethische Fundamentalreflexion nach Edmund Husserl
Ergon,  2020, 285 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-95650-643-7
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58,00 € incl. VAT

englischDrawing from Edmund Husserl´s ethical reflections the study thematizes a phenomenologically deepened understanding of moral autonomy and allows a critique of arbitrary autonomy. The best possible life of reason and the categorical imperative not only requires a cultivated heart but it is [...]

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Matthias Koeppel
Sein Leben und Werk im Kontext der Künstlergruppe "Die Schule der Neuen Prächtigkeit"
Ergon,  2020, 266 Pages
ISBN 978-3-95650-662-8
58,00 € incl. VAT

englischHow to become an artist and remain it a lifetime? Matthias Koeppel dedicated his life to be a painter and a writer of lyrics. He developed himself to a narrative artist, who picked up the alienation effect to point out to social drawbacks in a humorously way. Coming from

abstract painting, [...]

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Greve | Özdemir | Motika
Aesthetic and Performative Dimensions of Alevi Cultural Heritage
Ergon,  2020, 219 Pages
ISBN 978-3-95650-640-6
46,00 € incl. VAT

This volume examines the aesthetic and performative dimensions of Alevi cultural heritage from past to present, in an interdisciplinary framework and using a wide range of approaches. The chapters analyse traditional, contemporary and transnational developments of Alevi cultural expression including [...]

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