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Großkopf | Winkler
Reform als Produktion
Ideologiekritische Blicke auf die Pädagogik
Ergon,  2020, 117 Pages
ISBN 978-3-95650-668-0
28,00 € incl. VAT

englischTo what extent are progressive and democratizing innovations in education to be understood as ideological? The volume explores this question and exposes the seemingly neutral, distant scientific pedagogy as a committed part of an ideology production.

The authors of the volume examine this [...]

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Zwischen Geist und Macht
Orientierungssuche und Standortbestimmungen konservativ-bildungsbürgerlicher Autoren in Deutschland (1930-1950)
Ergon,  2020, 443 Pages
ISBN 978-3-95650-763-2
94,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe dissertation is dealing with four conservative bestselling authors who celebrated their first successes in the Weimar Republic, did not leave Germany after 1933 and dominated the literary field until the 1950s: Werner Bergengruen, Hans Carossa, Reinhold Schneider and Ernst Wiechert. The [...]

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Fischer | Houswitschka
Jüdische und arabische Erinnerungen im Dialog
Die Lebenserzählungen von George Ellenbogen und Evelyn Shakir
Ergon,  2020, 342 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-95650-722-9
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68,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe Jewish-Canadian and Arab-American writers and professors of literature George Ellenbogen (*1934) and Evelyn Shakir (1938–2010) were life companions. In both their memoirs, the authors tell stories of neighborhood, enriching encounters and their search for roots. George grows up in the [...]

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Reisetagebuch eines Phänomenologen
Aus den Jahren 1978–2019
Ergon,  2021, 496 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-95650-770-0
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0,00 € free of charge

englischThe travel diary has its origin in world-wide research and teaching contacts. The history of the phenomenological movement is completed by global geography. Intercultural relations have regard to philosophy, science, art, religion and everyday life. Famous names turn up like Boulez, Derrida, [...]

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Patient Bezirksklinik
Erhaltung, Nutzung, Weiterentwicklung
Ergon,  2020, 212 Pages
ISBN 978-3-95650-624-6
22,00 € incl. VAT

englischAs a relatively new discipline, psychiatry always strived to live up to the latest medical standards. In doing so, it had to let itself be judged above all by its institutions. However, with each step forward taken in the field of medicine, these buildings were regarded as out of date as [...]

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"sappho gibt es nicht"
Die Rezeption Sapphos in deutschsprachiger Lyrik des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts
Ergon,  2020, 301 Pages
ISBN 978-3-95650-666-6
58,00 € incl. VAT

englischSappho from Lesbos, born in the seventh century BC, was the first canonical female voice in Europe. From antiquity on she was appreciated in art/ artistically received, even if – or perhaps precisely because – her biography lies in the dark and most of her poetry is lost. To this day, the [...]

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Der moralische Pakt
Das Fundamentalmoralische in der Literatur
Ergon,  2020, 369 Pages
ISBN 978-3-95650-757-1
78,00 € incl. VAT

englischNarratives and dramatic plays are usually based on a non manifest structure that can be conceived as a moral one, where you can find rules and sentences of having-to-do.

The Moral Contract as a metaphor describes this fundamental basis, composed of three components: competition, exchange [...]

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International Society for Knowledge Organziation (ISKO) | Lykke | Svarre | Skov | Martinez Avila
Knowledge Organization at the Interface
Proceedings of the Sixteenth International ISKO Conference, 2020 Aalborg, Denmark
Ergon,  2020, 583 Pages
ISBN 978-3-95650-775-5
124,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe proceedings explore knowledge organization systems and their role in knowledge organization, knowledge sharing, and information searching.

The papers cover a wide range of topics related to knowledge transfer, representation, concepts and conceptualization, social tagging, domain [...]

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Textheterotopien von Sabah al-Kharrat Zwayn, Iman Mirsal und Suzanne Alaywan
Ergon,  2020, 260 Pages
ISBN 978-3-95650-797-7
54,00 € incl. VAT

englischIn the present work, the literary elaboration of the concept of Foucault's heterotopia is related to the creation of poetically reflected writing concepts and poetic worlds in the texts of three modern Arab female authors, the starting point of which is often place-related vision or [...]

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Hafner | Haußig
"Mit Gott auf unserer Seite“
Religiöse Aufrufe zur Gewalt und ihre Gegenreaktionen
Ergon,  2020, 252 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-95650-665-9
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48,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe publication deals with texts calling for violence and justifies this by religious arguments. It is however not always possible to distinguish, whether these arguments are motivated by religious convictions or whether they are later justifications. In most cases, they are intertwined. It [...]

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