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Die Petosiris-Nekropole von Tuna el-Gebel
Band 2: Die Häusergruppen 1 und 2, die Südgruppe, Site Management am Grab des Petosiris und Dachentwässerungstechniken
Ergon,  2023, 439 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-98740-002-5
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0,00 € free of charge

englischThe Petosiris necropolis at Tuna el-Gebel is one of the largest cemeteries of the Roman period in Egypt and belonged to the 'metropolis' Hermopolis Magna. This volume presents new archaeological and architectural-historical research results on the tomb houses of house groups 1 and 2, site [...]

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Um der türkischen Sprache willen
Sadri Maksudi Arsal und seine Beiträge zur kemalistischen Sprachreform
Ergon,  2023, 728 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-95650-958-2
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139,00 € incl. VAT

englischThis study analyses one of the major works of Kemalist language reform (Türk Dili için). It offers a key to understanding the purism that characterised Turkish language policy in the 1930s and 1940s and had a lasting impact on the modern Turkish language. It is written by the Tatar-Turkish [...]

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Um der türkischen Sprache willen
Sadri Maksudi Arsal und seine Beiträge zur kemalistischen Sprachreform
Ergon,  2023, 728 Pages
ISBN 978-3-95650-957-5
139,00 € incl. VAT

englischThis study analyses one of the major works of Kemalist language reform (Türk Dili için). It offers a key to understanding the purism that characterised Turkish language policy in the 1930s and 1940s and had a lasting impact on the modern Turkish language. It is written by the Tatar-Turkish [...]

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Die Darstellung des Islams in den Medien
Sprache, Bilder, Suggestionen
Ergon,  2., aktualisierte und vollständig überarbeitete Auflage, 2023, 342 Pages
ISBN 978-3-95650-886-8
79,00 € incl. VAT

englisch„What we know about the world, we know it through media coverage. What Niklas Luhman wrote in 1996 ist still valid in times of scoial media. If a subject is mentioned, how it is framed, influences our perception. We shouldn’t underestimate media’s responsibility in shaping our idea of the [...]

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Die Darstellung des Islams in den Medien
Sprache, Bilder, Suggestionen
Ergon,  2., aktualisierte und vollständig überarbeitete Auflage, 2023, 342 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-95650-887-5
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79,00 € incl. VAT

englisch„What we know about the world, we know it through media coverage. What Niklas Luhman wrote in 1996 ist still valid in times of scoial media. If a subject is mentioned, how it is framed, influences our perception. We shouldn’t underestimate media’s responsibility in shaping our idea of the [...]

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New Perspectives on Tawriya
Theory and Practice of Ambiguity
Ergon,  2022, 296 Pages
ISBN 978-3-95650-999-5
64,00 € incl. VAT

englischOne of the hallmarks of the Arabic literature of the Mamluk era is the very frequent use of semantic ambiguity, a rhetorical tool that saw its final theorisation in this period and the emergence of the canonical form that still appears in rhetorical treatises today: tawriya. After the 1966 [...]

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Die Rezeption der aristotelischen Poetik in Avicennas Buch der Genesung der Seele (Kitāb aš-Šifāʾ)
Dichtungstheorie als Teil eines philosophischen Wissenschaftssystems
Ergon,  2023, 273 Pages
ISBN 978-3-95650-975-9
59,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe work offers a re-evaluation of Avicenna's commentary on Aristotle's Poetics and opens up interpretive scope for Classicists, Arabists, and philosophers alike by focusing on the question of how Avicenna situated the commentary within his own philosophical system. The work takes its [...]

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Im Garten der Alchemie
Traditionsgeschichtliche Einordnung des arabisch-alchemischen Werks Kitāb ar-Rauḍa mit deutscher Übersetzung und kritischer Edition
Ergon,  2022, 548 Pages
ISBN 978-3-95650-928-5
114,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe 10th-century "Book of the Garden" (Kitāb ar-Rauḍa) by the Andalusian Maslama b. Qāsim al-Qurṭubī's stands out from the Arabic alchemical literature with its clear theoretical explanations enriched with allegorical depictions. The tradition-historical study, critical edition, and German [...]

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Der Ausschluss der Ahmadiyya aus dem Islam
Rechtspolitische Konstruktion und Konstitutionalisierung einer vermeintlichen Häresie
Nomos,  2022, 475 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-7489-1026-8
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99,00 € incl. VAT

englischThis study discusses the historical and (power-) political backgrounds as well as the legally and theologically questionable justification of the historically unique constitutional amendment with which the Pakistani parliament excommunicated Ahmadi Muslims from Islam—a decision wholly at [...]

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Die Rezeption der aristotelischen Poetik in Avicennas Buch der Genesung der Seele (Kitāb aš-Šifāʾ)
Dichtungstheorie als Teil eines philosophischen Wissenschaftssystems
Ergon,  2023, 273 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-95650-976-6
E-Book download
59,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe work offers a re-evaluation of Avicenna's commentary on Aristotle's Poetics and opens up interpretive scope for Classicists, Arabists, and philosophers alike by focusing on the question of how Avicenna situated the commentary within his own philosophical system. The work takes its [...]

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