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Haynes | Vernau
The Human Position in an Artificial World: Creativity, Ethics and AI in Knowledge Organization
ISKO UK Sixth Biennial Conference London, 15-16th July 2019
Ergon,  2019, 312 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-95650-550-8
E-Book download
48,00 € incl. VAT

The Human Position in an Artificial World enthält die Tagungsbeiträge der sechsten Konferenz des ISKO Chapter UK, die am 15. und 16. Juli 2019 in London stattfand. Die unterschiedlichen Aufsätze untersuchen die Rolle von Mensch und KI bei der Erstellung von Metadaten, Taxonomien und Ontologien. [...]

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Haynes | Vernau
The Human Position in an Artificial World: Creativity, Ethics and AI in Knowledge Organization
ISKO UK Sixth Biennial Conference London, 15-16th July 2019
Ergon,  2019, 312 Pages
ISBN 978-3-95650-549-2
48,00 € incl. VAT

The Human Position in an Artificial World enthält die Tagungsbeiträge der sechsten Konferenz des ISKO Chapter UK, die am 15. und 16. Juli 2019 in London stattfand. Die unterschiedlichen Aufsätze untersuchen die Rolle von Mensch und KI bei der Erstellung von Metadaten, Taxonomien und Ontologien. [...]

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Tsvasman | Schild
Dialog eines Vordenkers und eines Praktikers über die Bedeutung künstlicher Intelligenz
Ergon,  2019, 168 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-95650-534-8
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19,90 € incl. VAT

englischDoes artificial intelligence need a psyche? How does AI change our self-image? Why does not anyone raise these urgent questions that will soon determine our everyday lives? - The explanation lies in the societal cognitive deficit: self-motivated researchers do not receive attention for [...]

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Tsvasman | Schild
Dialog eines Vordenkers und eines Praktikers über die Bedeutung künstlicher Intelligenz
Ergon,  2019, 168 Pages
ISBN 978-3-95650-533-1
19,90 € incl. VAT

englischDoes artificial intelligence need a psyche? How does AI change our self-image? Why does not anyone raise these urgent questions that will soon determine our everyday lives? - The explanation lies in the societal cognitive deficit: self-motivated researchers do not receive attention for [...]

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Ribeiro | Cerveira
Challenges and Opportunities for Knowledge Organization in the Digital Age
Proceedings of the Fifteenth International ISKO Conference 9-11 July 2018 Porto, Portugal
Ergon,  2018, 994 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-95650-421-1
E-Book download
138,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe 15th International ISKO Conference has been held in Porto (Portugal) under the topic Challenges and opportunities for KO in the digital age. ISKO has been organizing biennial international conferences since 1990, in order to promote a space for debate among Knowledge Organization (KO) [...]

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Ribeiro | Cerveira
Challenges and Opportunities for Knowledge Organization in the Digital Age
Proceedings of the Fifteenth International ISKO Conference 9-11 July 2018 Porto, Portugal
Ergon,  2018, 994 Pages
ISBN 978-3-95650-420-4
138,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe 15th International ISKO Conference has been held in Porto (Portugal) under the topic Challenges and opportunities for KO in the digital age. ISKO has been organizing biennial international conferences since 1990, in order to promote a space for debate among Knowledge Organization (KO) [...]

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Babik | Ohly | Weber
Theorie, Semantik und Organisation von Wissen
Ergon,  2017, 446 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-95650-326-9
E-Book download
55,00 € incl. VAT

Proceedings der 13. Tagung der Deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Wissensorganisation (ISKO) und dem 13. Internationalen Symposium der Informationswissenschaft der Higher Education Association for Information Science (HI) Potsdam (19.–20.03.2013): ‚Theory, Information and [...]

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Slavic | Gnoli
Faceted Classification Today
Theory, Technology and End Users
Ergon,  2017, 329 Pages
ISBN 978-3-95650-269-9
39,00 € incl. VAT

englischFaceted Classification Today: Theory, Technology and End User are proceedings of the sixth International UDC Seminars that took place on 14-15 September in London (United Kingdom). The Seminars are devoted to advances in documentary classification research and their application in a [...]

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Smiraglia | Lee
Dimensions of Knowledge: Facets for Knowledge Organization
Ergon,  2017, 151 Pages
ISBN 978-3-95650-273-6
32,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe identification and contextual definition of concepts is the core of knowledge organization. The full expression of comprehension is accomplished through the use of an extension device called the facet. A facet is a category of dimensional characteristics that cross the hierarchical array [...]

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Babik | Ohly | Weber
Theorie, Semantik und Organisation von Wissen
Theory, Semantics and Organization of Knowledge
Ergon,  2017, 446 Pages
ISBN 978-3-95650-239-2
55,00 € incl. VAT

Proceedings der 13. Tagung der Deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Wissensorganisation (ISKO) und dem 13. Internationalen Symposium der Informationswissenschaft der Higher Education Association for Information Science (HI) Potsdam (19.–20.03.2013): ‚Theory, Information and [...]

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