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Das Warenangebot des Mühldorfer Kramers Franciscus Schmidt

Zur Handels- und Konsumgeschichte des 17. Jahrhunderts
Ergon,  2022, 300 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-95650-982-7

64,00 € incl. VAT
64,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe customers of the Mühldorfer Kramer Franciscus Schmidt had their purchases written: The debt books therefore give an insight into the assortment of goods, which ranged from stockings, fabrics and ribbons to spices and dried fish. Schmidt's customers were mainly citizens, craftsmen and clergy from the city and the Bavarian surrounding area. The 7000 entries of the "Strazza", which was kept from 1684 to 1687, form the basis of this study on trade and consumption, which closes a research gap for the 17th century.

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