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Geschwisterliche Religionen?

Das Verhältnis von Judentum und Christentum in der Geschichte
Ergon,  2024, ca. 181 Pages

ISBN 978-3-98740-126-8

approx. 39,00 € incl. VAT
Published August 2024 (available for reservation)
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englischFor Judaism's transcendent image of God, it is impossible to accept Jesus as the human Son of God, which led to serious conflicts between the Jewish and Christian religions throughout European history. Martin Luther's efforts to convince the Jews that Jesus was indeed the prophesied Messiah were in vain. Nevertheless, an early writing by Luther in the 17th century initiated a historical turning point that attracted many Jews to Germany. In no other country in the world did Jews identify with their homeland as they did in modern Germany before the Nazi regime. It is therefore impossible to see the cause of the Holocaust in German-Jewish history.

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