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Islamism and Terroristic Violence

Herausgegeben von Reinhard Möller

Ergon,  Übersetzung der 2. deutschen Auflage (2023) mit aktualisierter Einführung, 2024, 152 Pages

ISBN 978-3-98740-122-0

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The work is part of the series Bibliotheca Academica – Orientalistik (Volume 37)
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Since 1993, Osama bin Laden and al-Qáida have carried out a series of terrible Islamist terrorist attacks - on the World Trade Center 1, the US warship Cole, the World Trade Center 2 (11 September), hotels in Bali, synagogues in Istanbul, railways in Madrid and Casablanca, to name just a few examples. The Hamas attack on Israel on 7 October 2023, with the murder of almost 1400 inhabitants, shows how topical the issue is. In this volume, renowned authors examine the religious, political and social background to these events and point out possibilities for constructive conflict management within the international community in the future.

With contributions by
Rainer Hermann | Albrecht Metzger | Reinhard Möller | Martin Riexinger | Arne C. Seifert | Elmar Theveßen | Heinz-Dieter Winter

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