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Mathesis, Grund, Vernunft

Die philosophische Identität Europas zwischen Deutschem Idealismus und Phänomenologie

Herausgegeben von PD Dr. Fausto Fraisopi

Ergon,  2019, 319 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-95650-621-5

58,00 € incl. VAT
58,00 € incl. VAT
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englisch ‘The spiritual form of Europe—what is that? It’s the immanent philosophical Idea in the history of Europe (the ‘spiritual Europe’)’ [E. Husserl]. Showing the essential relationship between Europe (as a ‘spiritual Europe’, as Husserl says) and philosophy plays a key role in building a new Europe und a new form of European citizenship.


With contributions by

G. Bensussan, Ch. Bermes, M. Cavallaro, I. Chiaravalli, D. D’Angelo, F. De Buzon, A. Ferrarin, M. Fichant, F. Fischbach, F. Forestier, F. Fraisopi, N. Grouls, C. Ierna, L. D. Manca, E. Mehl, I. Rogozinski, A. Schnell, S. Schwenzfeuer.

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