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„Wo alle Herzen heldenmüthig schlugen“

Heroische Leitbilder in deutschen und französischen Militärselbstzeugnissen des Siebenjährigen Krieges, der Kriege der Französischen Revolution und der Napoleonischen Kriege
Ergon,  2024, 525 Pages

ISBN 978-3-98740-112-1

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The work is part of the series Helden – Heroisierungen – Heroismen (Volume 22)
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englischThis historiographical study deals with the transformation of heroic images of German and French soldiers and officers during the Seven Years' War and the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. A culture of sensitivity, levée en masse and intensive forms of opinion management on the part of governments and military leaders led to a change in heroic-military role models, which was reflected in personal military testimonies. Following an interdisciplinary approach, the monograph uses narratives and self-portrayals to examine the heroization processes of military personnel and shows how combatants influenced and helped shape the culture of remembrance through their self-heroization.

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