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Würde und Freiheit
Vier Konzeptionen im Vergleich
Karl Alber,  2021, 240 Pages
ISBN 978-3-495-49249-9
39,00 € incl. VAT

Diese Untersuchung vergleicht das in ihr ausgedrückte Verständnis von Würde und Freiheit mit der christlichen und kantischen Konzeption dieser fundamentalen Werte. So wird deutlich, worin ihr innovativer Charakter besteht und wie sehr diese Erklärung die ersten beiden Artikel des Grundgesetzes der [...]

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2 Bände im Schuber
Karl Alber,  im Schuber, 2023, 1184 Pages
ISBN 978-3-495-99813-7
98,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe age-old dream of life leaving itself behind remains the great challenge of philosophy. For a long time, it has allowed itself to be led down the wrong path of a search that was supposed to show man a way out of time itself. The thought that the monumental two-part book "Wiedergeburt" [...]

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Halbband 2
Karl Alber,  mit Schuber, 2022, 656 Pages
ISBN 978-3-495-99816-8
49,00 € incl. VAT

Ein Vierteljahrhundert der Suche eines Autors nach der verlorenen Zeit, unternommen in der Einsamkeit und Freiheit eigenständigen Denkens, um entgegen allen akademischen Modeströmungen zurückzufinden zu den Quellen lebendigen Philosophierens. Band II spürt die Vergangenheit, die niemals Gegenwart [...]

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Albrecht | O'Malley | Klemm | Knoepffler
Wertorientierte Wirtschaftsethik
Das Jenaer Modell
Karl Alber,  2023, 274 Pages
ISBN 978-3-495-99782-6
29,00 € incl. VAT

englischIncreasing globalization combined with crises that affect everyone, such as pandemics, climate change and armed conflicts, pose major challenges for value-based business ethics. Added to this is the enormous disparity between poor and rich people worldwide. It is no longer just the [...]

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Albrecht | O’Malley | Klemm | Knoepffler
Wertorientierte Wirtschaftsethik
Das Jenaer Modell
Karl Alber,  2023, 274 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-495-99783-3
E-Book download
29,00 € incl. VAT

englischIncreasing globalization combined with crises that affect everyone, such as pandemics, climate change and armed conflicts, pose major challenges for value-based business ethics. Added to this is the enormous disparity between poor and rich people worldwide. It is no longer just the [...]

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Was ist Philosophie?
Eine kleine Einführung
Karl Alber,  2022, 196 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-495-99923-3
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22,00 € incl. VAT

englischThis book is a compact and straightforward introduction to the fundamental questions of philosophy and is particularly suited for laypeople and advanced learners. The idea of the book is not to cover all essential topics but to focus on those fundamental questions which rightly deserve a [...]

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Was ist Philosophie?
Eine kleine Einführung
Karl Alber,  2022, 196 Pages
ISBN 978-3-495-99922-6
22,00 € incl. VAT

englischThis book is a compact and straightforward introduction to the fundamental questions of philosophy and is particularly suited for laypeople and advanced learners. The idea of the book is not to cover all essential topics but to focus on those fundamental questions which rightly deserve a [...]

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Versuch über Gelassenheit
Postcartesianische Meditationen
Karl Alber,  2022, 239 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-495-99953-0
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49,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe strangeness of the Other is answered by an ontological model of serenity as resignativity.

Serenity means abdication of the self and its opening towards the Other. Because the difference of subjectivity and alterity shows up in subjectivity itself as a dialectic of giver and receiver, [...]

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Versuch über Gelassenheit
Postcartesianische Meditationen
Karl Alber,  2022, 239 Pages
ISBN 978-3-495-99952-3
49,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe strangeness of the Other is answered by an ontological model of serenity as resignativity.

Serenity means abdication of the self and its opening towards the Other. Because the difference of subjectivity and alterity shows up in subjectivity itself as a dialectic of giver and receiver, [...]

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Floridi | Noller
The Green and the Blue
Digital Politics in Philosophical Discussion
Karl Alber,  2022, 214 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-495-99833-5
E-Book download
0,00 € free of charge

englischHow can Europe benefit politically and socially from the possibilities of digitization and overcome its crises, which have plagued it so much in recent times? How can it realize a "human project" and the unity of "green" ecology and "blue" information technology? In this volume, Luciano [...]

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