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Die Spielstruktur des Seins
Zu einer relationalen Ontologie im Ausgang von Heidegger
Karl Alber,  2024, ca. 300 Pages
ISBN 978-3-495-99826-7
Published December 2024 (available for reservation)
approx. 59,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe question of who or what man is, is posed here with a view to the how: How are we there, how does human existence emerge and unfold in reference and encounter? How are there telos and archè, goal and reason in life? With Heidegger's relational ontology, the peculiarity of being proves to [...]

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Baumann | Maillet
Aufklärung – Hegel – Vormärz
Reisen in die Ideengeschichte
Karl Alber,  2024, ca. 440 Pages
ISBN 978-3-495-99384-2
Published July 2024 (available for reservation)
approx. 99,00 € incl. VAT

englischThis volume offers a fascinating journey through different regions of the history of ideas, ranging from the 18th to the 20th century, and brings together international contributions in English, French and German. With 21 articles ranging from the (German and Scottish) Enlightenment to G. W. [...]

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Hagedorn | Nellen
Europa und Nach-Europa
Karl Alber,  2024, 283 Pages
ISBN 978-3-495-48806-5
Published July 2024 (available for reservation)
39,00 € incl. VAT

englischPatočka's reflections on Europe are an after-thought in the true sense of the word: they sketch out an idea of Europe after its end - without being a lament about decay and decline. On the contrary, his sketches of the beginning and end of Europe, of its special role in history and as [...]

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Phänomenologische Werkstatt
Teilband 4: Finks phänomenologisches Philosophieren nach dem Tod Husserls
Karl Alber,  2024, 461 Pages
ISBN 978-3-495-99507-5
99,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe fourth volume of the ‘Phenomenological Workshop’ is the first publication to establish the link between Eugen Fink’s early phenomenological writings and the works he published after the war. Of particular philosophical interest are his drafts on ‘Ontological Experience’ (1939). Together [...]

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Wie werde ich Europäerin? Wie werde ich Europäer?
Über die Befreiung aus der Selbstentfremdung
Karl Alber,  2024, 222 Pages
ISBN 978-3-495-99296-8
29,00 € incl. VAT

englischEurope is no longer able to recognize itself because it is looking into a mirror – the EU – that was built by itself, but which reflects a deformed image of itself. As a global player, the EU distorts its internal relationship with the economic policy distinction between winners and losers. [...]

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Grundfragen hermeneutischer Anthropologie
Paul Ricœurs Werk im historischen Kontext: Existenz, Interpretation, Praxis, Geschichte
Karl Alber,  4 Bände, 2024, 3087 Pages
ISBN 978-3-495-99335-4
549,00 € incl. VAT

englischRicœur's philosophy can be understood in the context of the 20th century as a response to this particularly violent period. At its core is the conviction that a hermeneutically founded anthropology can make it possible to understand why there is an integral connection between existence and [...]

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Musik, Welt und Selbst
Zur existenziellen ästhetischen Erfahrung von Musik
Karl Alber,  2024, 187 Pages
ISBN 978-3-495-99310-1
44,00 € incl. VAT

englischMusic can lead us to intense, profound experiences that transform our self-perception and our view of life and the world around us. Readers are given an overview of theories to explain this astonishing phenomenon, ranging from ancient to current philosophical approaches and a comparative [...]

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Großheim | Smiljanić
Ludwig Klages und die Neue Phänomenologie
Karl Alber,  2024, 506 Pages
ISBN 978-3-495-99693-5
99,00 € incl. VAT

englischThis study is intended to reveal new perspectives on the work of Ludwig Klages and, at the same time, to contribute to the prehistory of new phenomenology as one of the most important movements in contemporary philosophy. The book relates the basic problems of Klages’ philosophy to [...]

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Grundfragen hermeneutischer Anthropologie
Paul Ricœurs Werk im historischen Kontext: Existenz, Interpretation, Praxis, Geschichte
Karl Alber,  2024, 3087 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-495-99336-1
E-Book download
549,00 € incl. VAT

englischRicœur's philosophy can be understood in the context of the 20th century as a response to this particularly violent period. At its core is the conviction that a hermeneutically founded anthropology can make it possible to understand why there is an integral connection between existence and [...]

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Großheim | Smiljanić
Ludwig Klages und die Neue Phänomenologie
Karl Alber,  2024, 506 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-495-99692-8
E-Book download
99,00 € incl. VAT

englischThis study is intended to reveal new perspectives on the work of Ludwig Klages and, at the same time, to contribute to the prehistory of new phenomenology as one of the most important movements in contemporary philosophy. The book relates the basic problems of Klages’ philosophy to [...]

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Musik, Welt und Selbst
Zur existenziellen ästhetischen Erfahrung von Musik
Karl Alber,  2024, 187 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-495-99311-8
E-Book download
44,00 € incl. VAT

englischMusic can lead us to intense, profound experiences that transform our self-perception and our view of life and the world around us. Readers are given an overview of theories to explain this astonishing phenomenon, ranging from ancient to current philosophical approaches and a comparative [...]

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van Kerckhoven | Bruzina | Giubilato
Phänomenologische Werkstatt
Teilband 4: Finks phänomenologisches Philosophieren nach dem Tod Husserls
Karl Alber,  2024, 461 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-495-99508-2
E-Book download
99,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe fourth volume of the ‘Phenomenological Workshop’ is the first publication to establish the link between Eugen Fink’s early phenomenological writings and the works he published after the war. Of particular philosophical interest are his drafts on ‘Ontological Experience’ (1939). Together [...]

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Philosophie des Leidens
Zur Seinsstruktur des pathischen Lebens
Karl Alber,  2024, 192 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-495-99315-6
E-Book download
44,00 € incl. VAT

englisch‘No human being lives without suffering, suffering is everywhere,’ says Euripides. And yet no one could say what suffering is exactly and what happens when we suffer. Therefore, it is worthwhile to pursue the ‘inner life’ of suffering and uncover its basic structure or basic dynamics, its [...]

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Philosophie des Leidens
Zur Seinsstruktur des pathischen Lebens
Karl Alber,  2024, 192 Pages
ISBN 978-3-495-99314-9
44,00 € incl. VAT

englisch‘No human being lives without suffering, suffering is everywhere,’ says Euripides. And yet no one could say what suffering is exactly and what happens when we suffer. Therefore, it is worthwhile to pursue the ‘inner life’ of suffering and uncover its basic structure or basic dynamics, its [...]

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Brandner | Seidemann
Zwischenwelten der Kritischen Theorie
Beiträge zu Systematik und Geschichte
Karl Alber,  2024, 220 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-495-99585-3
E-Book download
54,00 € incl. VAT

englischAttempts to write a history of ideas of critical theory often resemble the procedure within a Cartesian coordinate system. Starting from the aim of determining a paradigmatic theoretical core, the philosophies considered essential are distributed along the directional axes and then the [...]

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Brandner | Seidemann
Zwischenwelten der Kritischen Theorie
Beiträge zu Systematik und Geschichte
Karl Alber,  2024, 220 Pages
ISBN 978-3-495-99586-0
54,00 € incl. VAT

englischAttempts to write a history of ideas of critical theory often resemble the procedure within a Cartesian coordinate system. Starting from the aim of determining a paradigmatic theoretical core, the philosophies considered essential are distributed along the directional axes and then the [...]

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Joisten | Thiemer
Beiträge zur Phänomenologie des Rechts
Karl Alber,  2024, 116 Pages
ISBN 978-3-495-99333-0
34,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe volume Beiträge zur Phänomenologie des Rechts (Contributions to the Phenomenology of Law) brings together contributions that open up access to fundamental themes and areas of Jan Schapp's life's work. The authors take up jurisprudential, legal-philosophical, historical-philosophical and [...]

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Joisten | Thiemer
Beiträge zur Phänomenologie des Rechts
Karl Alber,  2024, 116 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-495-99334-7
E-Book download
34,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe volume Beiträge zur Phänomenologie des Rechts (Contributions to the Phenomenology of Law) brings together contributions that open up access to fundamental themes and areas of Jan Schapp's life's work. The authors take up jurisprudential, legal-philosophical, historical-philosophical and [...]

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Vom Trauma zum bedeutungsvollen Ersterlebnis
Über die Entstehungsbedingungen von Person und Personalität aus Sicht der medizinischen und der Philosophischen Anthropologie
Karl Alber,  2024, 342 Pages
ISBN 978-3-495-99450-4
84,00 € incl. VAT

englischBased on considerations by the anthropologically oriented psychiatrist Erwin Straus, this book explores the conditions which are present when people experience certain events as significant. In addition, it discusses in detail how personhood emerges in humans and to what extent this depends [...]

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Die Verflochtenheit von Natur, Kunst und Kultur
Karl Alber,  2024, 415 Pages
ISBN 978-3-495-99924-0
99,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe aesthetic concept of atmosphere places human sensitivities under various natural and cultural conditions in the foreground of aesthetic consideration. As the first monograph to integrate an intercultural perspective into this field, “Atmosphären-Ästhetik: Die Verflochtenheit von Natur, [...]

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Die Verflochtenheit von Natur, Kunst und Kultur
Karl Alber,  2024, 415 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-495-99925-7
E-Book download
0,00 € free of charge

englischThe aesthetic concept of atmosphere places human sensitivities under various natural and cultural conditions in the foreground of aesthetic consideration. As the first monograph to integrate an intercultural perspective into this field, “Atmosphären-Ästhetik: Die Verflochtenheit von Natur, [...]

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Vom Trauma zum bedeutungsvollen Ersterlebnis
Über die Entstehungsbedingungen von Person und Personalität aus Sicht der medizinischen und der Philosophischen Anthropologie
Karl Alber,  2024, 342 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-495-99451-1
E-Book download
84,00 € incl. VAT

englischBased on considerations by the anthropologically oriented psychiatrist Erwin Straus, this book explores the conditions which are present when people experience certain events as significant. In addition, it discusses in detail how personhood emerges in humans and to what extent this depends [...]

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Kluck | Puchta
Neue Phänomenologie im Widerstreit
Kritische Perspektiven auf Ertrag und Potential
Karl Alber,  2024, 593 Pages
ISBN 978-3-495-99452-8
114,00 € incl. VAT

englischAfter the death of Hermann Schmitz, this book aims to initiate a critical appreciation of New Phenomenology—even beyond a narrower philosophical context. On the one hand, it focuses on perspectives which, starting from the neo-phenomenological approach, lead beyond already existing theories. [...]

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Phänomenologie des Schweigens
Eine philosophische Annäherung
Karl Alber,  2024, 331 Pages
ISBN 978-3-495-99422-1
79,00 € incl. VAT

englischIn our Western culture, we are almost constantly in communication. The permanent flood of sound in both public and private spaces testifies to our reluctance to embrace silence and what it expresses.

The pause that structures the flow of speech is something different from the eloquent or the [...]

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Oase des Glücks
Gedanken zu einer Ontologie des Spiels
Karl Alber,  2023, 190 Pages
ISBN 978-3-495-99686-7
44,00 € incl. VAT

englischOne of Eugen Fink's most important texts is "Oasis of Happiness. Thoughts on an Ontology of Play". Against the background of the interest in the phenomenon of play in philosophy and the social and cultural sciences, the Freiburg philosopher develops in this book an independent and innovative [...]

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