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Ausgewählte Aufsätze zu einer Prozesspsychologie

Herausgegeben von Paul Stenner und Denys Zhadiaiev
Karl Alber,  2024, ca. 190 Pages

ISBN 978-3-495-99305-7

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The work is part of the series Whitehead Studien (Volume 11)
approx. 44,00 € incl. VAT
Published July 2024 (available for reservation)
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englischThis highly original work extends Brown’s microgenetic theory to problems of memory in relation to the mind/brain state and subjective time, to action as the implementation of drive and to agency and the intrinsic ground of feeling. While the papers in this final collection represent the furthermost reach of the theory and, for now, its conceptual limit, the alignment of a qualitative neuropsychology with some main principals of process philosophy should lead to more insightful thinking in both domains of thought.

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