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Die Wirkung von Tierrechts- und Tierethikdebatten auf die Frage nach einem vertretbaren Umgang mit Nutztieren

Karl Alber,  2024, ca. 320 Pages

ISBN 978-3-495-99668-3

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The work is part of the series Angewandte Ethik: Natur und Umwelt (Volume 3)
approx. 84,00 € incl. VAT
Published July 2024 (available for reservation)
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englischIn this study, a system of argument structures of normative statements about (farm) animals is presented, with the help of which specialised and everyday discourses are examined with regard to parallelisms and divergences. The book shows that aspects of thought and argumentation patterns known from animal ethics theory are also used in non-specialist discourses. To take up the familiar image, the proverbial compartmentalised ivory tower reveals itself as not isolated, secluded and impermeable. These are not independent spheres of discourse that do not influence each other.

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