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Herrmann | Asel | Böhler

Diskursverantwortung in Krisen- und Kriegszeiten

Bad Kissinger Symposion des Hans Jonas-Zentrums
Erstes Bad Kissinger Symposion des Hans Jonas-Zentrums e.V. – 30 Jahre nach der Berliner Ehrenpromotion von Hans Jonas: 11. bis 13. Juni 2022
Karl Alber,  2023, 464 Pages

ISBN 978-3-495-99784-0

109,00 € incl. VAT
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englischOn 23rd February 2022, when the editors had worked out topical issues of dispute relating to politics, ethics, technology and religion for a Hans Jonas Centre conference on responsibility for the future and discourse ethics, it was suddenly foreseeable that Russia would invade the core area of Ukraine the next night. We immediately informed our Ukrainian colleagues that we would allow them asylum, if desired, and invite them to the conference in Bad Kissingen as keynote speakers. In no time at all, the new programme for the conference was ready: After commemorating Hans Jonas' honorary doctorate in Berlin under the motto ‘Fatalism would be a mortal sin’ exactly 30 years ago, we now focus on ‘Discourse despite war’. After that, we discuss digitalisation as well as theology, philosophy and commitment.


With contributions by

Claus Altmayer | Harald Asel | Dorothee Bär | Thomas Bausch | Dietrich Böhler | Michael Bongardt | Stephanie von Dallwitz | Wolfgang Freese | Bernadette Herrmann | Sebastian Höpfl | Wolfgang Huber | Grigori Katsakoulis | Wolfgang Klein | Wolfgang Korb | Lena Kornyeyeva | Klaus Leisinger | Hans Lenk | Ulf Liedke | Alfons Matheis | Olaf Meyer | Jürgen Naeher-Zeiffer | Marianne Rabe | Manuela Rottmann | Thomas Rusche | Johann Michael Schmidt | Eva-Maria Schwickert | Maritta Strasser | Ilse Tödt | Dirk Vogel | Anatoliy Yermolenko.

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