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Moral Normativity in an Interdisciplinary Perspective

Humans, Animals & Artificial Intelligence

Herausgegeben von Roberto Redaelli

Karl Alber,  2023, 141 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-495-99429-0

39,00 € incl. VAT
39,00 € incl. VAT
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englischNowadays many disciplines are devoting particular attention from a variety of perspectives to the normative nature of our ways of life. From linguistics to jurisprudence, from anthropology to philosophy, from economics to neuroscience, the subject of moral normativity constitutes a Gordian knot of the present age, towards which the efforts of scientific and philosophical understanding are directed.

The following volume aims to reach a better understanding of moral normativity. It collects works by primatologists, sociologists, philosophers of law, ethicists, and phenomenologists to illustrate their contributions to resolving issues regarding the normative profile of ethical concepts, judgments and reasons, i.e., the source of the binding force that guides the behaviour of the human agent.


With contributions by

John J. Drummond | Federico L.G. Faroldi | Edoardo Fittipaldi | Roberto Redaelli | Alessio Rotundo | Richard Wrangham

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