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Onto-Poetik der responsiven Gabe

Eine Phänomenologie des Weges zum genossenschaftsartigen Miteinander im Lichte der Dialektik von Identität und Alterität
Karl Alber,  2023, 268 Pages

ISBN 978-3-495-99767-3

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The work is part of the series Elementa Œconomica (Volume 5)
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englischThe interdisciplinary book ist explaining the application of a responsive phenomenology in relation to the categories of gift/donation and reciprocity in the context of the dialectics of idenity and alterity. The intention is the grounding foundations of a theory of philosophy of law, of ethics and of social economics of the cooperative economics as social form of togetherness with each other. The theoretical starting point of the explanation is the onto-anthropology of personalism. The study will resulting in a post-cartesian theory of common welfare character of the social form of cooperative economics as a special texture of economy, law, morality, culture and individuals. Critical theory, post-structuralism and ethics of the other will be synthesized towards a great story of solidarity in the unfinished modernity.

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