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Hühn | Höfele | Schwab | Ziche


Internationale Zeitschrift zur klassischen deutschen Philosophie
Karl Alber,  2023, 227 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-495-99358-3

49,00 € incl. VAT
49,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe international journal Schelling-Studien offers a forum for scholarly work on Schelling’s philosophy and for overarching questions of Idealism and its impact. It brings together current international contributions to research in German, English, French and Italian. Besides an open section for contributions, some volumes contain a thematic focus section. The section ‘documents’ occupies an important role. This section contains reports on newly discovered documents on Schelling’s philosophy as well as shorter historical documents. Every volume is rounded off with reviews of the most important recent international publications. The journal Schelling-Studien is complemented by the series Beiträge zur Schelling-Forschung.


The tenth volume of Schelling-Studien contains, in addition to contributions from international research, a report on a new international network entitled ‘Transformative Transmissions: German-Scandinavian Intellectual Communities 1790–1860’. The volume concludes with reviews of recent international publications.


With contributions by

Christian Benne | Sarah Bernard-Granger | Christoph Binkelmann | Sebastian Cabezas | Osman Choque-Aliaga | Jad Hatem | Philipp Höfele | Lore Hühn | Wilhelm G. Jacobs | Jan Kerkmann | Norihito Nakamura | Andrés Ortigosa | Phoebe Lily Page | Jesper Lundsfryd Rasmussen | Francesco Scagliusi | Philipp Schwab | Evgenia Sonnabend | Gregorio Tenti | Amir Yaretzky | Paul Ziche

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