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Borgardts | Roth

Sedierung am Lebensende

Beiträge zur ethischen Debatte
Karl Alber,  2023, 242 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-495-99413-9

54,00 € incl. VAT
54,00 € incl. VAT
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englischSedation at the end of life concerns (almost) everyone. Due to advances in palliative care, more and more patients and their relatives are currently being confronted with this option. Through several larger research projects, the medical and ethical debate about sedation at the end of life has greatly intensified in recent years. This interdisciplinary anthology provides an up-to-date and broad overview of the state of the debate on this issue, combining contributions from medicine, care ethics, sociology, law, philosophy and theology.


With contributions by

Bernd Alt-Epping | Reiner Anselm | Niklas Barth | Dieter Birnbacher | David Borgardts | Holger Brunsch | Nicole Frommann | Birgit Jaspers | Alexander Kremling | Katharina Mayr | Armin Nassehi | Lukas Radbruch | Annette Riedel | Michael Roth | Irmhild Saake | Jochen Schmidt | Séverine Marie Surges | Philipp Stoellger | Kerstin Ziegler

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