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Hernández Maturana

Substantialität, Individualität, Präexistenz und Fortdauer der Menschenseele

Grundzüge von Immanuel Hermann Fichtes philosophischer Anthropologie
Mit einem Vorwort von Frederick Beiser
Karl Alber,  2022, 374 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-495-82551-8

79,00 € incl. VAT
79,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThis book addresses the question of the nature and the immortality of the human soul in the context of Immanuel Hermann Fichte's philosophical anthropology. In particular, it undertakes a systematic and immanent reconstruction of Fichte's argument for the substantiality, individuality, preexistence, and perduration of the human soul. This monographic investigation fills a research gap which is long pending and offers not only impulses for research on late idealism, but also and above all important insights and guiding principles for a philosophy of the human spirit adequate for the present.

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