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Tiefenschichten konkreter Utopie

Arbeit, Natur und Bewusstsein bei Ernst Bloch und im gegenwärtigen utopischen Diskurs
Karl Alber,  2024, 490 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-495-99342-2

119,00 € incl. VAT
119,00 € incl. VAT
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englischLonging is our most honest feeling, said Ernst Bloch. Utopian thinking, he showed, is the political answer to this. But utopia must be real, must be concrete. What did Bloch mean by "concrete utopia"? Where can it be located today and how can we arrive at an overall utopia? The term "concrete utopia" often appears in utopian approaches, but it is rarely explained. More precise clarification could help to concretise these approaches and meet the need for finally good social living conditions for all people. The socio-economic question (labour), the ecological question (nature) and the question of consciousness must be brought together in a utopian way.

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