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Barth | Hoff

Umweltethik in christlicher Perspektive

Karl Alber,  2024, ca. 250 Pages

ISBN 978-3-495-99284-5

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The work is part of the series Grenzfragen (Volume 47)
approx. 59,00 € incl. VAT
Published October 2024 (available for reservation)
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englischIn view of the profound global ecological crisis, creation is threatened. The discussion about this is increasingly taking place in a Christian context under the slogan “Christian environmental ethics”.

From an interdisciplinary perspective, this volume “Environmental Ethics from a Christian Perspective” illuminates problems that arise from the ecological crisis. The 11 original contributions come from climate and biodiversity research, economics, law, environmental ethics and philosophy as well as theology.

Find the cover of the current title in PDF format here: