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Kann | Sölch

Whitehead und Russell

Perspektiven, Konvergenzen, Dissonanzen
Karl Alber,  2023, 332 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-495-99583-9

74,00 € incl. VAT
74,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThis volume offers suggestions for a new view of convergences and dissonances in the theoretical philosophising of Whitehead and Russell. While they are often mentioned in the same breath as the leading exponents of mathematical logic, their paths seem to diverge with Whitehead's speculative metaphysics and Russell's analytical philosophy. A closer look, however, reveals multifaceted connections between them beyond the logical–mathematical paradigm. The contributions in this book focus on Whitehead's and Russell's idea of an event- or process-based reality, their science-oriented conception of matter, their critical confrontations with Leibniz and Spinoza as well as their perspectives on epistemology and the theory of education.


With contributions by

Pierfrancesco Basile | Roland Braun | Manuel Bremer | Sébastien Gandon | Anna-Sophie Heinemann | Leemon B. McHenry | Jan G. Michel | Christoph Kann | Dennis Sölch | Andreas Woyke | Rainer E. Zimmermann

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