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Zugänge zu Geschichtenwelten

Karl Alber,  2022, 204 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-495-99903-5

44,00 € incl. VAT
44,00 € incl. VAT
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englischUnder the title ‘Access to Storyworlds’, Jan Schapp summarises a series of lectures. An interpretation of Wilhelm Schapp's philosophy of stories in the year 2004 is the starting point which shows the influence of antiquity, Christianity and the Enlightenment on the modern age. With regard to further contributions, it becomes apparent that a single framework is developed from this starting point. Different storyworlds lead to different lifeworlds and also into individual lifeworlds. As a particulary impressive example, the reader may take the narration of the storyworlds of Russian Orthodoxy on the one hand and European Calvinism on the other, each with their effect on the politics of the worlds they capture. Finally, in a conversation with Karen Joisten, Jan Schapp addresses the question of how his life with its own storyworlds has influenced his research into and teaching of civil law and the philosophy of law.

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