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Zwischen Theismus und Pantheismus

Historisch-systematische Skizzen zur Panentheismusfrage
Karl Alber,  2023, 508 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-495-99770-3

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119,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe contributions to this book provide historical systematic studies on the question of panentheism, which has been intensively discussed since the turn of the millennium. In contrast to focusing on restrictive or extensive use of the concept of panentheism, this work illuminates a middle ground between dualistic theism and monistic pantheism. In this respect, the God–world relationship is primarily determined by thinking in terms of unity in difference. A clear criteriology can then distinguish positions of relational theism and reciprocal, double-relational panentheism, which are probed and exemplified through relevant approaches. Beyond the German area of debate, the contributions also consider the approaches of Descartes and Spinoza, Schelling, Lotze, Bracken, Bishop/Perszyk and Clayton, among others.


With contributions by

Florian Baab | Jonas Erulo | Bernhard Nitsche | Dennis Stammer

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