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Diskriminierungsrisiken algorithmischer Entscheidungsprozesse
Regulierung im Antidiskriminierungs- und Datenschutzrecht
Nomos,  2024, 206 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-7489-3691-6
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69,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe book analyses and systematises the discrimination risks of algorithmic decision-making processes in artificial intelligence. It develops a phase model that makes various algorithmic processes accessible to legal analyses. The model illustrates the diverse discrimination risks posed by [...]

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Ein sozialistischer Liberaler oder ein liberaler Sozialist?
Der Wert der Individualität als Transzendierung politischer Kategorien in der Philosophie John Stuart Mills
Nomos,  2024, 439 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-7489-4042-5
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99,00 € incl. VAT

englischSocialism is often described as a collectivist world view, while liberalism is portrayed as its antithesis as it emphasises the flourishing of the individual. Using John Stuart Mill's thinking—who is considered to be one of the quintessential representatives of liberalism—Florian Maiwald [...]

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Horst Meyer
Fahrt durch die olympische und eine geteilte Welt
Academia,  2024, 306 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-98572-154-2
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49,00 € incl. VAT

englischThis biography portrays Olympic rowing champion Horst Meyer as a personality whose life encompassed a wide range of goals, areas of activity and achievements. His sporting career stood out, placing him at the forefront of those who helped write the history of sport. We remember a sportsman [...]

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Kartellschadensersatz und die Spiegelung des weiten Unternehmensbegriffs in der normativen Grundlage
Nomos,  2024, 296 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-7489-4072-2
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94,00 € incl. VAT

englischIn view of the negative effects of cartels, which can hardly be quantified for those who were harmed by it and the economy, the question of who is liable for the damages incurred is of great importance. Based on the basis for claims for cartel damages under German law (Sec. 33a ARC), which [...]

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Künstliche Intelligenz und die Sinnstrukturen menschlichen Handelns
Nomos,  2024, 396 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-7489-4041-8
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94,00 € incl. VAT

englischHigh expectations are associated with 'artificial intelligence'. This is due to the fact that it does not appear as a limited technology but penetrates all areas of social and operational activity (science, business, production, technology, administration, education, etc.) or achieves [...]

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Political Theory of Art
Foundations, Perspectives, Figures
Academia,  2024, 103 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-98572-162-7
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29,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe book enters the debate on the relationship between aesthetics and politics with an original and comprehensive theory. As Fransoni makes clear, a political theory is not a theory of politics, but a theory that deals with things, in this case art, in order to read them in the light of the [...]

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Proteste und Intervention
Die staatliche Unterstützung gewaltfreier Protestbewegungen im Völkerrecht
Nomos,  2024, 676 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-7489-1970-4
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0,00 € free of charge

englischNonviolent Protest Movements are elementary for the spread of democracy and human rights. Some states have, therefore, established policies to support these movements when they emerge. This practice, however, raises significant doubts from states that see themselves confronted with such [...]

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Reformationsfolgenrecht und Rezeptionsfolgenrecht
Ein funktionaler Vergleich religiöser Selbstbestimmung im deutschen Staatskirchenrecht und taiwanesischen Religionsrecht
Nomos,  2024, 949 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-7489-4458-4
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279,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe work deals with a current topic in both German and Taiwanese constitutional law - the sustainability of the respective religious law systems in the trend of changes of the role of religion and belief in the social and the legal order. Particular attention is paid to the significance of [...]

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Iber | Gießauf | Knoll | Mauritsch
Sport, Prestige, Profit
Historische Betrachtungen zum Run auf Ruhm und Reichtum | STADION Sonderband 3
Academia,  2024, 373 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-98572-070-5
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99,00 € incl. VAT

englischFor thousands of years, sport has been a phenomenon in its own right, but at the same time it is closely linked to other areas of society on many levels: social, cultural, political and economic. The fact that economic considerations and the pursuit of profit have always played a significant [...]

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The obscurities of jus ad bellum proportionality and its interplay with jus in bello
Nomos,  2024, 387 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-7489-4371-6
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124,00 € incl. VAT

englischAlthough not explicitly mentioned in Art. 51 of the UN Charter, there is a consensus that self-defence is inter alia restricted by proportionality. However, the content and scope of this so-called jus ad bellum proportionality are still controversial in international legal scholarship and [...]

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