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Öffentliche Verwaltung in diesen Zeiten
Eine Systemsicht auf das Verwaltungshandeln und sein Umfeld
Nomos,  2024, 129 Pages
ISBN 978-3-7560-1574-0
Published July 2024 (available for reservation)
34,00 € incl. VAT

englischThis book provides important foundations for understanding both the essence and the transformation of public administration in our time, with digitisation as its main impacting factor. Based on an examination of the changing functions of public administration, it sketches a detailed model of [...]

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Krisen, Bedrohte Ordnungen, Zeitenwenden, Resilienz
Regierbarkeitsprobleme in gestressten Gesellschaften
Nomos,  2024, 93 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-7489-4536-9
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0,00 € free of charge

englischThe book deals with problems of government in stressed societies. On the one hand, it deals with the phenomenon of crisis, which has so far been treated primarily from the perspective of effective crisis management, whereas what is needed - as called for here - is the development of a [...]

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Krisen, Bedrohte Ordnungen, Zeitenwenden, Resilienz
Regierbarkeitsprobleme in gestressten Gesellschaften
Nomos,  2024, 93 Pages
ISBN 978-3-7560-1618-1
Published July 2024 (available for reservation)
24,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe book deals with problems of government in stressed societies. On the one hand, it deals with the phenomenon of crisis, which has so far been treated primarily from the perspective of effective crisis management, whereas what is needed - as called for here - is the development of a [...]

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Warum scheitern russische Demokratien?
Vergleichende Betrachtungen und Essays
Nomos,  2024, 202 Pages
ISBN 978-3-7560-1793-5
49,00 € incl. VAT

englischIn the course of the 20th century, Russia - like Germany - experienced two attempts to establish a democratic system of rule in the country. The "first" Russian democracy failed after eight months in October 1917 as a result of the Bolshevik coup d'état, while the first German democracy (the [...]

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Geschichtspolitik als Politikfeld
Entstehung, Entwicklung und Akteure am Beispiel der Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur
Nomos,  2024, 353 Pages
ISBN 978-3-7560-0498-0
84,00 € incl. VAT

englischIn a policy analysis, the author examines the emergence of the policy field of politics with history in the field of tension between coming to terms with the past, remembrance, culture and German politics. She comes to the conclusion that it is only from the beginning of the 1990s, with the [...]

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Joseph Schumpeter und der Staat
Nomos,  2024, 339 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8487-7337-4
79,00 € incl. VAT

englischJoseph Schumpeter was not a political theorist or constitutional lawyer. However, the essays in this volume show that reflecting on his brilliant insights and provocative exaggerations is stimulating in various ways. Schumpeter is concerned the coevolution of modern statehood and a [...]

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Oster | Giegerich | Weber | Höfer
Solidarität in Europa | Europäische Solidarität
Akten zur 3. Saarbrücker Europa-Konferenz
Nomos,  2024, 204 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-7489-4034-0
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0,00 € free of charge

englischThis interdisciplinary volume analyses the role of solidarity in Europe. The volume does not only include concepts of juridical perspectives and approaches of sociology and social ethics, but also presents case studies of solidarity in contemporary European and global moments of crisis, like [...]

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The Prerequisites for Successful Worker Takeovers and Their Implications for Organised Labour
Nomos,  2024, 338 Pages
ISBN 978-3-98542-066-7
54,00 € incl. VAT

englischThis book evaluates the effects of trade worker takeovers (WTOs)—the recuperation of workplaces by workers—on trade union power resources. Deploying a mixed methodological framework to identify the prerequisites for successful labour-strengthening WTOs and using an adaptation of the power [...]

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Didion | Gounot | Hüser | Lämmer
Sport | Frankreich | Deutschland. Sport | France | Allemagne
Transnationale Perspektiven in Geschichte und Gegenwart | Histoire et présent dans une perspective transnationale
Nomos,  2024, 485 Pages
ISBN 978-3-7560-1591-7
114,00 € incl. VAT

englischLooking ahead to the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris offers a welcome opportunity to take stock of current and historical structures and trends, phenomena and practices, relationships and transfers of sporting events in Germany and France for the first time in a long time. The STADION special [...]

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Warum scheitern russische Demokratien?
Vergleichende Betrachtungen und Essays
Nomos,  2024, 202 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-7489-4467-6
E-Book download
49,00 € incl. VAT

englischIn the course of the 20th century, Russia - like Germany - experienced two attempts to establish a democratic system of rule in the country. The "first" Russian democracy failed after eight months in October 1917 as a result of the Bolshevik coup d'état, while the first German democracy (the [...]

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