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Zwischen Tradition und Geltung
Religion als Herausforderung und Ressource für die öffentliche Vernunft
Nomos,  2021, 708 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-7489-2249-0
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139,00 € incl. VAT

englischThis book shows under which conditions religious reasoning for generally binding norms can be legitimately introduced into democratic decision-making, even if societies are religiously diverse and pluralistic. To this end, the philosophical and social scientific discussion on this subject, [...]

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Deutschlands Rückkehr auf den Weltmarkt und die „Causa Brasilien“
Nomos,  2021, 275 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-7489-2421-0
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59,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe economic shock in Brazil at the beginning of the 1950s posed a massive threat to West Germany’s export trade because Hermes, the export credit insurance provider that had been founded only shortly beforehand, proved to be deficient as it did not sufficiently cover the transfer or [...]

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Jureit | Chiantera-Stutte
Denken im Raum
Friedrich Ratzel als Schlüsselfigur geopolitischer Theoriebildung
Nomos,  2021, 297 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-7489-2434-0
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74,00 € incl. VAT

englischGeopolitics and its theoretical formation in the 19th and 20th centuries are still among the most controversial interdisciplinary fields of research today. The biogeographical works of the German geographer Friedrich Ratzel are of fundamental importance for the transformation process of [...]

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Frölich | Grothe | von Kieseritzky
Fortschritt durch sozialen Liberalismus
Politik und Gesellschaft bei Friedrich Naumann
Nomos,  2021, 303 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8487-6696-3
64,00 € incl. VAT

englischFriedrich Naumann (1860–1919) is one of the most exciting figures in German politics: a liberal champion of democracy, social policy, women’s emancipation and church reform, as well as a pioneer of political education—and at the same time a monarchist, patriot and fierce critic of his time. [...]

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Frölich | Grothe | von Kieseritzky
Fortschritt durch sozialen Liberalismus
Politik und Gesellschaft bei Friedrich Naumann
Nomos,  2021, 303 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-7489-0753-4
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64,00 € incl. VAT

englischFriedrich Naumann (1860–1919) is one of the most exciting figures in German politics: a liberal champion of democracy, social policy, women’s emancipation and church reform, as well as a pioneer of political education—and at the same time a monarchist, patriot and fierce critic of his time. [...]

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Klimagerechtigkeit und Klimaschutzpolitik
Die Verhandlungspositionen der USA, Chinas und Indiens von 2009–2018
Nomos,  2021, 350 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-7489-2589-7
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74,00 € incl. VAT

englischWhat are the implications of different perceptions of justice for the emission reduction policies of the three major polluting countries, the United States, China and India? And how do they shape the development of the international climate regime? Based on an independently developed [...]

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Engelkamp | Glaab | Graf
Kritische Normenforschung in den Internationalen Beziehungen
Neue Wege und metatheoretische Perspektiven
Nomos,  2021, 313 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-7489-2331-2
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0,00 € free of charge

englischConstructivist norm research is a lively and growing research programme in the field of international relations. Unsurprisingly, its increasing differentiation over the last three decades has raised questions about the ability to communicate across different academic camps.

This edited [...]

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Karatepe | Scherrer
The Phantom of Upgrading in Agricultural Supply Chains
A Cross-Country, Cross-Crop Comparison of Smallholders
Nomos,  2021, 353 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-95710-291-1
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32,00 € incl. VAT

englischThis book addresses the controversies surrounding smallholders’ opportunities for economic and social upgrading by joining global agricultural value chains (AVC). While international organizations encourage small farmers to become part of AVC, critics point out its risks. Unlike previous [...]

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Urwahlen auf Landesebene
Ursachen und Konsequenzen der Demokratisierung innerparteilicher Willensbildung bei SPD und CDU
Nomos,  2021, 486 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-7489-2363-3
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99,00 € incl. VAT

englischTo uncover the complex causal mechanisms that lead to the occasional democratisation of decision-making processes by party branches at the regional level, this study pursues a novel approach. It applies process-tracing and uses both data from interviews as well as party and newspaper [...]

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Klimagerechtigkeit und Klimaschutzpolitik
Die Verhandlungspositionen der USA, Chinas und Indiens von 2009–2018
Nomos,  2021, 350 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8487-8160-7
74,00 € incl. VAT

englischWhat are the implications of different perceptions of justice for the emission reduction policies of the three major polluting countries, the United States, China and India? And how do they shape the development of the international climate regime? Based on an independently developed [...]

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