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Geschlechtergerechter Konstitutionalismus in Tunesien
Eine Analyse der tunesischen Verfassung von 2014
Nomos,  2022, 475 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8487-8696-1
99,00 € incl. VAT

englischTunisia is considered a success story of the so-called Arab Spring. In 2014, the country adopted a new constitution and enshrined women's rights in it. Has the constitutional process and the 2014 constitution created a ‘gender-equitable constitutional order’?

This thesis critically analyses [...]

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Briesen | Thi Thuy Trang | Quang Minh
Times of Uncertainty
National Policies and International Relations under COVID-19 in Southeast-Asia and Beyond
Nomos,  2022, 426 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8487-8632-9
89,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe COVID-19 pandemic has affected the world to varying degrees. Moreover, different regions of the world have tried to combat the disease in a variety of ways. Since the beginning of the pandemic in Wuhan, China, the world has been looking in particular at South and Southeast Asia, where [...]

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Scherr | Gronau | Saracino
Polybios von Megalopolis
Staatsdenken zwischen griechischer Poliswelt und römischer Res Publica
Nomos,  2022, 319 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8487-5101-3
64,00 € incl. VAT

englischIn his ‘Histories’, the Greek historian Polybius, a hostage of Rome for about 17 years, pursued the question of ‘how and thanks to what kind of constitution the Romans … [had] subjected nearly the whole inhabited world to their sole government’. His main merit for political science was that [...]

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Tiessen | Lough | Laursen | Khursheed
Innovations in Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment
Understanding the Role of International Development Volunteers as Transnational Actors
Nomos,  2022, 164 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8487-7105-9
39,00 € incl. VAT

englischMany studies have highlighted benefits of international volunteering, particularly the positive impacts for the volunteers themselves. Adding to this scholarship, the papers in the collection fill an important gap in our understanding of the impact of international development volunteering [...]

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Otto Kirchheimer - Gesammelte Schriften
Band 1 - Band 6
Nomos,  2022, 3973 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8487-4737-5
288,00 € incl. VAT

englischOtto Kirchheimer’s (1905–1965) multifaceted academic works reflect the political and scientific experiences and conflicts of the Weimar Republic and National Socialism, his exile in France and the USA as well as the establishment of the two German states after 1945 in a virtually unique way.

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Decker | Henningsen | Lewandowsky | Adorf
Aufstand der Außenseiter
Die Herausforderung der europäischen Politik durch den neuen Populismus
Nomos,  2022, 690 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-8452-9799-6
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119,00 € incl. VAT

englischRight-wing populism, right-wing extremism and even right-wing terrorism are a political reality again in Europe today, and have been so for a long time. Almost everywhere, the far right has institutionalised itself in various forms and with varying degrees of strength, and in some countries [...]

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Roser | Riedener | Huppenbauer
Effective Altruism and Religion
Synergies, Tensions, Dialogue
Nomos,  2022, 254 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-7489-2536-1
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0,00 € free of charge

englischA new movement is on the scene: effective altruism—the combination of love and efficiency, making the world a better place not just with a bleeding heart and empathy but with a radical focus on reason and evidence and never losing sight of the goal of maximal impact. Its adherents typically [...]

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Roser | Riedener | Huppenbauer
Effective Altruism and Religion
Synergies, Tensions, Dialogue
Nomos,  2022, 254 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8487-8119-5
42,00 € incl. VAT

englischA new movement is on the scene: effective altruism—the combination of love and efficiency, making the world a better place not just with a bleeding heart and empathy but with a radical focus on reason and evidence and never losing sight of the goal of maximal impact. Its adherents typically [...]

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Feichtner | Wihl
Das Verfassungsdenken Helmut Ridders
Nomos,  2022, 273 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8487-7024-3
59,00 € incl. VAT

englischHelmut Ridder's idea of the ‘Gesamtverfassung’ of a society insists on our collective self-organisation. No state can take the autonomous organisation of social freedom from us. Ridder spells out what this means for the individual spheres of society in his extremely comprehensive work on [...]

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Geschlechtergerechter Konstitutionalismus in Tunesien
Eine Analyse der tunesischen Verfassung von 2014
Nomos,  2022, 475 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-7489-3089-1
E-Book download
99,00 € incl. VAT

englischTunisia is considered a success story of the so-called Arab Spring. In 2014, the country adopted a new constitution and enshrined women's rights in it. Has the constitutional process and the 2014 constitution created a ‘gender-equitable constitutional order’?

This thesis critically analyses [...]

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