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Aktionelle Gefahrenvorfeldmaßnahmen

Verfassungsrechtliche Rahmenbedingungen für einen polizeirechtlichen Paradigmenwechsel
Nomos,  2024, ca. 430 Pages

ISBN 978-3-7560-1616-7

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The work is part of the series Schriften zum Polizei- und Sicherheitsrecht (Volume 2)
approx. 134,00 € incl. VAT
Published August 2024 (available for reservation)
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englischSince 2017, the police – initiated by the Bavarian legislature – have been permitted to take measures such as residence bans and reporting obligations in numerous federal states in the run-up to dangerous situations. This represents a paradigm shift, whose constitutional framework has not yet been clarified and is therefore subject to a fundamental examination. To this end, the common purpose-related differentiation of police action is questioned, a group of cases that justify a deviation from the police law model is identified on the basis of comparable problem situations and the normative scope of the legislature for specific and proportionate legal bases is defined.

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