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Aktuelle Rechtsfragen im Profifußball

Psychologische Faktoren und rechtliche Gestaltung
Nomos,  2016, 201 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-2326-3

54,00 € incl. VAT
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englischLaw and psychology – in hardly any other area of life are these matters as closely related as in sports. Football is an especially affective and speculative sport. The behaviour of all parties involved is affected by several psychological influences, leading to contingencies. Here, Football clubs (i.e. players and representatives), as well as the associations organising the league operations, as well as the audience are concerned. Judicial considerations and applications have to react to psychological facts such as pressure to perform, media, enthusiasm and coincidences.

A conference in Potsdam discussed these problems in law and sports from a national and an international point of view. The speakers reported on judicial problems experienced in their own professional settings. All of the topics have been discussed by the plenum. This conference transcript contains the very enlightening results.

&raquoempfehlenswerte Lektüre für Fans des Arbeitsrechts im Profifußballbereich, die zusätzlich auch noch Einblicke in weitere Rechts-und Wissenschaftsgebiete gewährt.&laquo
Christian Walter, 12/2016