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Automatisierte Fahrzeuge im Lichte des Schweizer Zulassungs- und Haftungsrechts

Nomos,  2016, 436 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-7437-9

99,00 € incl. VAT
99,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThis book deals with legal issues concerning automated vehicles. After an introduction into the field and an overview of different degrees of vehicle automation, the admissibility of automated vehicles as well as liability issues is to be explored. The admissibility of automated vehicles is examined in the light of international as well as national provisions, especially the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic. Amendments to this Convention and their effects on national law are to be discussed. Regarding liability the following three aspects are to be analyzed: firstly, liability for unlawful conduct in road traffic using automated vehicles, secondly, liability for accidents involving automated vehicles and thirdly, liability for deficient, automated vehicles under product liability law. The PhD thesis concludes with a summary of the findings as well as a perspective on future developments.

&raquogibt einen umfassenden und tiefgreifenden Einblick in das Schweizer Zulassungs- und Haftungsrecht und deren regulatorischen Auswirkungen auf automatisierte Fahrzeuge... hohe Qualität&laquo
Sven Hötitzsch, SVR 2016, 440