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Caldarola | Schrey

Big Data and Law

A Practioner's Guide
Nomos,  2020, 200 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-6212-5

120,00 € incl. VAT
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englisch“Big Data” refers to large amounts of data originating from various sources which are stored, processed and analysed with specific applications to obtain all kind of (inter-) dependency analyses, environmental and trend research, and for system and production control purposes. When dealing with Big Data, the legal scope must also be observed. As a result of the applicability of the General Data Protection Regulation and the associated potentially substantial fines for data protection infringements, data protection supervisory authorities in particular will intensify their supervisory measures and also focus their attention on Big Data applications.

With numerous guidelines and graphics, this book is a practical legal guide to gathering, storing and analysing personal and other types of data in Big Data applications. It provides comprehensive, practice-oriented assistance and reliability for planning everyday business in a Big Data environment.

»Insgesamt stellt dieses Werk ein äußerst hilfreiches Instrumentarium für all jene dar, die mit dem Thema Big Data zu tun haben, wobei auch aus österreichischer Rechtssicht viel Hilfreiches enthalten ist. Das Werk sollte in keiner IT-/IP-Abteilung/-Kanzlei fehlen.«
RA Dr. Peter Burgstaller, ZIIR 4/2020, 471
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