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Bioethik, Biorecht, Biopolitik

Eine Kontextualisierung

Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Marion Albers

Nomos,  2016, 200 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-7573-4

49,00 € incl. VAT
49,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThis interdisciplinary volume combining contributions from ethicists, medical scientists, lawyers and political scientists deals with the entire spectrum of problems in the field of bioethics, biolaw and biopolitics. The contributions discuss the meaning and the subjects of bioethics, biolaw and biopolitics as well as their backgrounds and implications. They comprise deliberations on how disciplines can learn from each other and how convincing inter- or transdisciplinary approaches can be established. Additionally, key issues such as the handling of knowledge, uncertainty and the unknown, appropriate decision-making procedures in case of fundamental value conflicts or patterns of legitimation with regard to new biotechnological challenges are discussed thoroughly.

With contributions by:

PD Dr. Johann S. Ach, Prof. Dr. Marion Albers, Prof. Dr. Heiner Fangerau, Prof. Dr. Ulrich M. Gassner, Prof. Dr. Stefan Huster, Prof. Dr. Renate Martinsen, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Willems