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Black Box Markets

Regulierung von algorithmischen Rankingverfahren durch Vertrags- und Lauterkeitsrecht
Nomos,  2024, ca. 301 Pages

ISBN 978-3-7560-1695-2

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The work is part of the series Recht und Digitalisierung | Digitization and the Law (Volume 18)
approx. 99,00 € incl. VAT
Published July 2024 (available for reservation)
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englischInitially, the distribution of goods and services via the internet was accompanied by the anticipation that the supply chain would become abbreviated and the significance of intermediaries would diminish. Contrary to such presumption, a business model has emerged in the form of digital platforms, which emphasizes the intermediary function to an unprecedented degree.


The study examines whether contract law and law on fair trading practices provide suitable instruments for regulating algorithmic rankings and develops regulatory perspectives to contribute to a free and fair competition in the `Black Box Markets´ of the platform economy.

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