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Borders and Orders in Central Asia

Transactions and Attitudes between Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan
Nomos,  2013, 391 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-0153-7

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The work is part of the series Weltregionen im Wandel (Volume 15)
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englischCentral Asia is characterised by state fragility and associated with drug traffic and instability. Social Orders and borders defining them have often changed in this region. What are the functions of borders today in the light of parallel state and nation building processes? How do borders impact the attitudes of the borderland population? And most notably: What are the drivers of and the constraints for transborder interactions?

The author analyses these questions along the rather new state border between Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, and at border strips between these states and Afghanistan – once separating two geopolitical regions. The authoritarian regimes in Tajikistan and, even more so, in Uzbekistan contain their state building projects against allegedly destabilising influences from abroad. However, in border regions far from state influence interdependencies may also be the basis for legal interactions.

»his interdisciplinary perspective on the topic of borders and orders in Central Asia and the incorporation of Afghanistan into the analysis makes this work an innovative and intereresting read.«
Katja Mielke, Intern. Asienforum 1-2/14

»ein umfassendes Werk zur grenzüberschreitenden Integration in Zentralasien... Eine nicht nur theoretisch voll im Zeitgeist stehende, sondern empirisch reiche Arbeit, die den Leser auf eine systematische Reise von historischen Narrativen der Sowjetzeit bis in die Gegenwart mitnimmt... Das Buch verspricht eine spannende Lektüre sowohl für Regionalisten, die durch den wohl durchdachten theoretischen Zugriff eine neue Perspektive auf Grenzphänomene in Zentralasien erhalten können, als auch für Theoriekenner, die von der reichen Empirie des Mittelteils [...]