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Bürgermeisterinnen und Bürgermeister in Baden-Württemberg

Ein Amt im Umbruch
Nomos,  2019, 426 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-0353-6

79,00 € incl. VAT
79,00 € incl. VAT
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englischExperts from politics, the media and science have stated for years that the number of suitable candidates for the position of mayor in the state of Baden-Württemberg has been declining steadily. This volume examines whether this is really the case and what the reasons for the seemingly dwindling attractiveness of this position are. Based on empirical data, an up-to-date stocktaking survey is conducted among mayors and possible mayoral candidates. The study provides a comprehensive overview of the job, revealing mechanisms of selective recruitment and its conditional factors. Its concentration on the aspects mentioned gives this investigation a high degree of relevance for public and academic discussions beyond the debates on the office of mayor in Baden-Württemberg.

Vinzenz Huzel studied political science at the University of Augsburg, public management at the HVF in Ludwigsburg and did his doctorate at the TU in Darmstadt. He works for the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation and is a lecturer at the Universities of Applied Sciences for Administration in Ludwigsburg and Kehl.

»Huzel legt eine umfassende Studie zur Sozialisation, zum Selbstverständnis und zur derzeitigen Situation der Bürgermeister im Südwesten Deutschlands vor, die er gekonnt in den historischen und rechtlichen Kontext einordnet, bevor er abschließend die Entwicklungsperspektiven des Amtes erörtert.«
Dr. Michael Kitzing, ZParl 2/2020, 500
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