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Business Judgment Rule und Insolvenzverwalterhaftung

Nomos,  2019, 287 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-9770-5

75,00 € incl. VAT
75,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe codification of the so-called business judgement rule in section 93, para. 1, sentence 2 of the German Stock Corporation Act was intended to create a liability-free zone in the field of qualified business decisions for board members of a stock corporation. Especially since the continuation of business during insolvency proceedings has been made possible, an insolvency administrator steps into the position of a managing director and, as such, also has to make business decisions.

This work examines whether and to what extent the business judgement rule in the German Stock Corporation Act is also applicable to the liability of insolvency administrators, which particularities their constituent elements have in comparison to stock corporation law and in which concrete decision-making situations an insolvency administrator can make use of the business judgement rule. The work closes by suggesting suitable wording for an insolvency business judgement rule.

»eine ansprechende Arbeit mit wissenschaftlich beachtlichen Ergebnissen (so zutr. Ebke, Vorwort, S. 8), die die Rechtsdiskussion, insbesondere auch die zukünftige Rechtsprechung des IX. Senats inspirieren dürfte. Eine gut sortierte Insolvenzrechtsbibliothek sollte auf diese gelungene wissenschaftliche Arbeit daher nicht verzichten.«
RA Prof. Dr. Andreas J. Baumert, FAHuGR, NZI 2019, 974
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