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Ornella | Knauss | Höpflinger

Commun(icat)ing Bodies

Body as a Medium in Religious Symbol Systems
Nomos,  2014, 427 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-1027-0

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The work is part of the series Religion – Wirtschaft – Politik (Volume 11)
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englischAs a basic medium of human interaction, the body is fundamental to socio-cultural communication systems, in particular the communication system „religion“. Over time, religious traditions – in all their various cultural and historical forms and incarnations – have developed elaborated symbolic systems with the body at their center.

This volume proposes to study these systems and the role that body plays in their organization through the perspective of the concept of body as a medium and by drawing on media and communication theory. The papers collected in this volume explore this perspective in relation to different religious traditions, historical periods and theoretical as well as theological themes. They also engage in specific theoretical frameworks in order to discuss the scope and limitations of thinking of the body as a medium in religious symbol systems. Topics covered range from ancient mythology to contemporary Parsi rituals to the boundaries between body and technology.

»Den Hg./inne/n ist eine beeindruckend interdisziplinäre und internationale Sammlung von Texten gelungen, die von der anfangs formulierten These sowie durch die Identifizierung von Querschnittsthemen zusammengehalten werden.«
Dr. Aurica Nutt, Theologische Revue 2017, 169

»a broad variety of discussions«
Prof. Dr. David Morgan, Journal of Contemporary Religion 2016, 292