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Comparative Criminal Law

Development - Aims - Methods
Nomos,  2017, 206 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-3803-8

150,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe new handbook deals with the development, objectives and methods of comparative criminal law. It focuses on the aims and functions as well as on the theoretical, judicial or legislative comparison of criminal law.

Moreover, the book offers an overview of the methodology of criminal law comparison on the basis of a summarisation of objectives, methods and personnel and institutional frameworks. The accurate and comprehensive presentation of the current debate makes the book a perfect guide for (criminal) comparative work.

The author offers suitable solutions and sound arguments especially for criminologists and practitioners in the field of foreign and international criminal law.

»a tour de force of best practice in the academic and practical spheres of comparative criminal law research... for anyone who engages in legal work in international criminal justice settings«
Prof. Dr. Michael Bohlander, International criminal law review 2018, 737-738