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Matiaske | Costa | Brunkhorst

Contemporary Perspectives on Justice

Nomos,  2010, 275 Pages

ISBN 978-3-86618-456-5

27,80 € incl. VAT
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englischJustice is a fundamental category in the social field as well as in social sciences. However, public and also scientific debates take place in narrow the-matic boundaries. But in a world society that has been promoted by globalisation processes, the base of the traditional paradigm of development policy was shattered, prolonging the idea of the welfare state with respect to redistribution in the European post-war era along the north-south axis. The successes and failures of global economy have introduced new players to the game and limited the manoeuvering room of the former team captains in terms of an emphatic distribution policy. At the same time, new social inequalities arise in rich and in poor economies, which are not restricted to the material dimension alone. It is no longer solely about poverty and wealth or development and underdevelopment, but also about crossing ethnical, cultural and social barriers of participation. At the same time this constellation is a challenge for the disciplines of social sciences. The often requested interdisciplinarity, however, does not come about because there is a need, but rather requires occasions. This volume compiles the contributions of authors rooted in (social-) philosophy, sociology, political science and economics.