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Cooperative Policies for Preventing and Controlling the Spread of Missiles and Nuclear Weapons

Policies and Perspectives in Southern Asia
Nomos,  1996, 321 Pages

ISBN 978-3-7890-4539-4

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The work is part of the series Demokratie, Sicherheit, Frieden (Volume 106)
28,00 € incl. VAT
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Missiles and nuclear weapons have now been developed and introduced into the regional security framework of Southern Asia. Scholars from Pakistan, India, China, France, Germany, Great Britain and the United States have contributed to the book. It examines how notions originating from the management of the East-West conflict pertain – or do not pertain – to military strategy and security policy in Southern Asia. Strategic issues in the region have at their core relations between India and Pakistan but they are of wider concern, including relations with Central Asia, China, Iran and South East Asia. The first part of the book deals with military technologies and threat perceptions and the second one with proliferation problems in Southern Asia. The third section is devoted to confidence building and the prospects for regional arms control.
Moreover, the book devotes the last part to the possibilities of economic, scientific, political and industrial cooperation in South Asia in fields of advanced technologies, thereby reorienting efforts from military developments to non-military technologies and promoting common solutions to common problems.