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Hoeren | Pinelli


Nomos,  2021, 406 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-7199-8

24,00 € incl. VAT
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englischCybersecurity is one of the key issues of the digital economy. IT systems are increasingly threatened by malicious attacks from hackers and cross-border spyware. More urgently than ever, international legislative activity is needed at the interface of law and technology. However, little is known in public about the normative framework of such security regulations, especially since the relevant regulations are contained like a patchwork quilt in the most diverse bodies of rules and regulations. This is where the Cybersecurity Law Collection comes in. Here, for the first time, the most important regulations on this new field of law are brought together and discussed in an introductory manner. The editors are Professor Dr Thomas Hoeren (ITM) from the University of Münster and lawyer Stefan Pinelli, legal advisor for digital law at Volkswagen AG.

»Die Textsammlung ist allen Lesern zu empfehlen, die mit der Thematik Cybersicherheit in Berührung kommen und es bevorzugen, in ausgedruckter Form mit dem Gesetzestext zu arbeiten, und sich nicht umständlich die Gesetze an sich und die einschlägigen Normen zusammensuchen möchten.«
Dr. iur. Carina Wollenweber-Starke, LL.M., Oktober 2021
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