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Das Kampfführungsrecht im internationalen Cyberkrieg

Nomos,  2018, 265 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-9305-9

69,00 € incl. VAT
69,00 € incl. VAT
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englischCyber warfare is an issue of extreme importance in the current debate on security policy. So far, there has been no cyber incident that states have acknowledged as an armed conflict in the legal sense. And even if, nowadays, a war exclusively fought with cyber attacks seems unrealis-tic, states have recognised the potential as well as the threat that cyber warfare poses to modern information societies. The book demonstrates that computer network operations are unlikely to amount to a use of force or an international armed conflict. In addition, the book examines the question whether the ‘conventional’ rules of conduct of hostilities offer a comprehensive pro-tection with regard to cyber warfare.

»stellt eine hilfreiche Handreichung für alle dar, die sich einen schnellen Zugang insbesondere zu unterschiedlichen Formen der sog. ›Cyberkriegsführung‹ verschaffen wollen.«Prof. Dr. Heiko Meiertöns, GSZ 3/2019, 119