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Das Thüringer Parteiensystem

Entstehung, Entwicklung und Struktur seit 1990
Nomos,  2018, 532 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-8878-9

94,00 € incl. VAT
94,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThrough a systematic structural analysis, this study provides an in-depth overview of the emergence and development of the Thuringian party system, from the peaceful revolution of 1989/90 to 2016. It focuses on the Thuringian parliamentary elections, which have structured the party system since 1990. Like the Free State of Thuringia as a whole, the Thuringian party system has developed continuously since its creation. But how has it developed since 1990? Do aspects of change outweigh those of continuity or vice versa? Has the system in Thuringia developed differently from those in the other federal states formed during German reunification in 1990? The author answers these and other questions in this comprehensive work, and thus bridges a gap in research about a regional party system in Germany’s new federal states.

»Zu Recht weisen die Herausgeber der Reihe „Parteien und Wahlen“, in der das Werk
erschienen ist, Eckhard Jesse (Königs Doktorvater) und Roland Sturm, auf die „beeindruckende
Systematik“ der Untersuchung hin (S. 8)… neue Einblicke sowie eine gute Zusammenfassung… Anschaulich und spannend… Das Werk profitiert von den profunden Detailkenntnissen des Autors…«

Dr. Birgit Eberbach-Born, ZParl 2/2020, 493-495