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Das Vergaberecht des E-Government

Nomos,  2023, 268 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-1503-4

79,00 € incl. VAT
79,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe implementation of an extensive E-Government is the core task within a modern, digitalized state. Its realization requires the acquisition of specific needs by means of public procurement law. The piece focuses on an intensive analysis of the public procurement of E-Government while taking its specific challenges into account. Hereby the author offers a valuable contribution to the implementation of a nationwide E-Government in Germany. The piece especially examines the pressing question how the challenge of IT-use in respect of the public administrative performance, the threat that E-Government poses on competition and the market, as well as existing IT-security and data protection demands can be handled through public procurement law.

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